Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reasons Why Flyers Are Still So Important

Reasons Why Flyers Are Still So Important

1. Shoppers are kinetic. We aren’t always online. Even if you have your smart phone handy, sometimes it’s easier to pick up paper. Prospects hang onto paper more–so long as it is well-written and has a great design (that’s print designers and web designers must work together).

2. Face-to-face connection. When we’re face-to-face with a prospect, it’s nice to be able to hand over/lean over or pass something physical between you. Besides the connection that is communicated by the body language here, the sales team also looks professional to the prospect; a flyer helps you come across organized and prepared for a sales conversation.

Even better, with a flyer you don’t have to “send someone away” to go and look at your website. You can discuss what’s right in front of you together, without the distractions of an electronic device immediately offers.

3. Win-Win for customer and vendor: another point of contact in the sales cycle. These days you need more than 7 points of contact before a prospect trusts you. Having a flyer to send gives you a reason to touch back with your prospect. It allows you to give them more information, raise more objections and ask you more meaningful questions. This further the sales cycle for the sales professional and most importantly: it’s better for the customer who’ll be able to make a more educated purchasing decision.

It's a technological world but that doesn't mean print is dead. Tangible objects like a flyer or trifold should go hand in hand with a well designed website. One works with another.

www.bouncemarketing.org | 386-734-9600 | plus.google.com/+BounceMarketingIncDeltona

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