Just like when you are developing any other marketing strategy, start by deciding what you want to do with your print campaign. Do you want to build awareness? Do you want to increase sales? What are your overall business objectives right now, and how can print be used to meet those goals? Go ahead and write everything down, from increasing social media engagement to gathering leads or building your list of email prospects. Yes, print can do that too.
Print you can hold in your hands. You see, touch and feel it, which studies have shown can make your brand more memorable. This is because customers are able to physically connect with your brand. To heighten this, think outside of the standard printer paper box!
Don’t be afraid to use your print materials to drive traffic to your other marketing channels. Are you looking to increase engagement to your social media? Put it on your print! When designing promotional materials like flyers that feature sales or deals go ahead and put a call to action to follow you on Facebook for similar offers. You could direct people to subscribe to your email blast for lead capture (if you don’t want to stick with print and send them direct mail instead). You could even just focus on driving people to your website to learn more about other offerings. Remember, marketing is about building a relationship with your customers, and print is just one way to communicate.
www.bouncemarketing.org | 386-844-9600
marketing, business marketing, advertising, business advertising, print advertising, print campaign, social media marketing, print marketing,
Bounce Marketing Foundation understands that getting on-going training online is critical in our fast paced world. We have this blog to ensure - anyone can learn at anytime. Our organization takes advantage of creating affordable designs...as a unique way to offset of overhead costs and attracting individuals needing help in a non-traditional way. Again, this element is only one of our strong educational options inside our non-profit organization.
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