Sunday, August 3, 2014

Bounce Marketing Institute blogs about - Employee Motivation

Motivation has long been considered one of the functions when you are a business owner or manager.  It is common knowledge that motivated employees achieve and give that little bit extra to any organization (non-profit or otherwise).
You would have observed in ventures - new and old / big and small - that you have worked in that the level of motivation varies between staff.  One person will work hard whereas others try to do as little as possible.
Motivation can be defined as the amount of energy which a person makes available in order to satisfy a set of stimuli.
When a person is motivated to achieve a target or goal then more energy is made available to them to reach the goal.  Motivation impacts on other factors of behavior.  For example, it will influence habits to achieve the goal.
What motivates you as an individual may be very different to what motivates someone else.  The key is to identify your staff’s individual factors of motivation.
Some staff members may be motivated by extrinsic rewards such as salary, work conditions and company policy.  Others may be motivated by intrinsic rewards such as recognition, responsibility and challenges at work.
This means that your role as the business owner or manager is to do the following:
  • Create an environment in which the individual can satisfy their extrinsic needs
  • Create an environment in which the individual can satisfy their intrinsic needs

There are many studies around human behavior and what motivates us.  This includes Maslow's Hierarchic of Needs which covers five levels starting at psychological (food and water) then safety (shelter and security), then social (friendship and affection) then esteem (recognition and status) then self-actualization (personal growth and achievement).
Another study is the Attribution Theory; it is known because it explains how we mentally assign the cause for success or failure – was it us or the environment?
Another theory is David McClelland’s Trio of Needs.  According to McClelland, a person is motivated by three needs:
  • Need for power
  • Need for affiliation
  • Need for achievement
How does this help and support you to motivate your staff?  It shows that we are all unique and different factors will influence us.  That is why it is important to get to know your staff and work out what is important to them.  To focus on the work environment and ensure it’s an environment that will support your staff to achieve.  To look at the other members of the organization and make sure they are working as part of the team and not affecting others in a negative way.
I understand this may appear to be a lot of factors; however, implement one at a time and within six to twelve months, the organization will be supporting its staff, and when this happens, the staff will go above and beyond for the organization which is win – win for everyone involved.

Get your team in gear today - contact Bounce Marketing Institute for help. Find us online at: 

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