Monday, December 16, 2013

Does your website build client trust?

Bounce Marketing offers Web Design for new start ups & growing organizations!

Did you know that a few website hyperlinks can be one of the most trusted forms of "advertising" online for your business or charity? 

People that are ready to spend their money today are wary and don't spend unless they have to. (or if they know with some certainty that they're dealing with a reputable business or charity) 

Your website is that 'avenue' to gain their trust.

Here are some interesting percentages of people that feel they can gain a high level of trust when getting information about an individual/organization online. (This survey was done by: Source Forrester Research Inc.):

*Email from people you know: 77%
Consumer Product Ratings/Reviews: 60%
*Portals/Search Engines: 50%
Yellow Pages (not online): 48%
Print Newspapers: 46%
*Social Networking Site Profiles from people you know: 43%
Print Magazines: 39%
Radio: 39%
TV: 38%
*Email from a company: 28%
Direct Mail: 25%
Message Board posts: 21%
*Online Classifieds: 20%
*Personal Blog: 18%
*Social Networking Site Profiles from a company: 18%
*Company Blog: 16%

All the starred items should have a live hyperlink to bring them to your website. This hyperlink will help gain trust and confidence of your prospective client. Do you need to re-design or design a website? Call us at 386-734-9600 or check out our website:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

5 Ideas to get better Sales Leads!

Savvy business people want to know that data-driven marketing is key to personalized and efficient when communicating with a client (or prospective one). Yet, an overload or lack of needed data can backfire on a new venture.  I remember when I first started my own venture. I took time to sift through 1000s of potential leads to compile data.  Most of the leads at the time were cold and later I found out that some information was inaccurate or in some cases, the most critical information was missing.  This was a time-consuming and costly endeavor, which helped me start thinking about getting new up to date leads.

Believe or not, there are a lot of good avenues to get leads.  As a new business owner or charity leader, the normal way of thinking is ‘how can I cut corners’ or ‘how can I save money’?  But, the better strategy is to invest in yourself (i.e. your new venture) and do it the right way.

Just look for the van!

So what is the right way? With the amount of data only increasing in the future, incorporating an efficient collecting method is crucial.  Consider these options to get better leads:

1 – Attend networking events… Those individuals in the room maybe interested in your product or service now or at some point in the future. Besides, why not go connect face to face with people now – rather than hiding your new venture from the world.  Get a business card, a referral, or write a prospects info on the back of one of your own business cards.

2 – Buy a list…  Yup, there are plenty of companies that sell up to date premade (based on your ideal perimeters) database list. Most times, these companies have the information in easy to read excel files.  This is good for direct mailing purposes.

3 – Get a free list… Yup, did you know the government publishes basic information on new business start ups monthly/weekly?  It is true, from your local city up to the state, there are free lists to get, but (and this is a big but) these lists are not cleaned up and ready to use.  In some cases, you may need to find out if the city/county/etc. has a do not call / solicit option in place. Most paid staff will be happy to tell you – just call them and ask.

4 – Set up an ‘opt in’ email newsletter…  Social Media is a good tool to advertise your newsletter. If you have the ability to solve a problem for someone or have something interesting to share, people may want to opt in! Plus, you are telling your world of friends that you are doing something new and you want them to stay updated on your progress.  Friends are great referral sources, but do abuse that friendship make certain they feel comfortable helping you out and not pressured to do so (this is a fine line to walk down, so be careful) Also, share your newsletter in Social Media groups and on your Social Media Business Page as well.  This maybe another good option to consider.

5 – Pay an email blaster… Yup, the same folks selling you that direct mail list can email blast that same group of people for you!  They handle getting the word out for you via email and you are now free from being called a ‘spammer’.

I know there is not a one size fits all answer to creating the perfect list for your venture especially when your organization is so unique. If, do you want more ideas to implement a good marketing strategy? Connect with us online at: or www.facebookcom/bouncemarketing

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Three things that can stop clients from feeling attracted to you!

Is your website flawed? 

Here are three things that can stop clients from feeling attracted to you!

1. A Content Management System That Is Complicated

If your content management system (CMS) is too complicated for you or employees to use, it'll only result in less frequent updates, lower SEO rankings, and the client's having a negative overall website experience. If it's a constant struggle for your or your team to work with the CMS, it might be time to make a switch.

2. Your Website's Content Is Not Informative Enough

The main purpose of any website is to inform and engage future clients at all hours of the day. But if customers can't find the information they need, they're only going to leave your site angry and frustrated. (this decreases future sales) Also, if your visits to your homepage decreases, so will your SEO ranking as well. You may want review if you have enough content available on your site and what avenues can implemented to increase the content as well.

3. Your Search Engine Marketing Isn't Working

Search engine marketing (SEM) is critical to any online marketing strategy. However, having a poorly structured website can limit how high it shows up in search engine results. Or, even worse, negatively impact your SEM activities and push your site farther down in Google. If you notice your SEM efforts aren't working, check out how your site is structured and determine if it's time to rework it.

Do you need a sample of good website? Check out - then call us to schedule an appointment to talk about rebuilding your website at 386-734-9600