Friday, November 15, 2013

Why do New Salespeople Fail?

Why do new salespeople fail?
1 - They are afraid to engage strangers in a conversation.
2 - They are not willing to put in the timeand effort it takes to be successful
3 - They don;t have the proper training and/or the may lack industry knowledge
4 - They can't build a solid relationships

Did you know, beyond basic training and handling the interview process - only Trust & Loyalty are left as the two main components to build a new long term relationship.  Salespeople need a strong ability to understand non-verbal and verbal signals set by clients or prospectives.  Some signals can be how the prospective buyer acts during the phone call, the face to face meeting, or in a social setting the conversation happens at. These signals to a new sales person can easily be missed and cause a lack of trust to form. It is good to have your sales team attend various trainings beyond the basic Sales 101 training crash course your company offers. Encourage them to keep learning by reading books by business leaders and attending webinars or seminars by top business/sales gurus to help foster greater sales success.

Do you need or want to have Bounce Marketing's Founder Ed Pisani Jr., visit and present ways to grow solid relationships with new clients? He has the ability to help your sales team become more successful while motivating them to sell more.  Contact us at 386-734-9600 or read about us on our website at

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