Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Advantages of Business Cards

1.  Business cards give people the ability to follow up

When you meet someone and develop that instant rapport you want to give them a chance to follow up with you instantly without having to reach for a pen or their phone.

If left with no other choice do not hesitate to hand over your phone to the other person and have him type in his contact details and vice versa.

Another option is to use phone apps that allow the gadgets to exchange contact information.

Although these options are available to many there will always be instances where you meet someone who may not have all of these technological things on them or isn’t comfortable using them.

This is why nothing can still replace the business card in encouraging people to follow up with you.

2.  Business cards show that you are a professional

The littlest things we do send out the biggest messages.

Something as simple as a business card is indicative that you took the time to actually put your information in a card. This immediately separates you from 99% of the other men out there who may be students like you or are out there seeking a job like yourself.

3.  Having a business card keeps one focused on the goal

In situations where one is trying to look for work it is not unusual to participate in a few networking events.

If you decide to go to events like these with a certain number of business cards on your person then you can immediately create a goal for yourself.

An example of a goal would be to make to distribute the 50 business cards that you brought along to the event. You can also create secondary goals such as collect at least 20 of others’ business cards or have at least 15 to 20 people express interest in following up with you.

If you decide to approach networking events in this manner then your business cards can serve as a reminder and keep you focused on the goal -which is to follow up with people regarding possible opportunities.

4.  Business cards can help make you referable

Business Card ExchangeA good business card will not only contain one’s name and contact details. It should also mention what that person’s skills are.

Having this extra detail can make all the difference because although the person that you initially give your business card may not know what to do with you and your skills, he may know someone in his network that has in need of someone like you.

It is good to remember that random encounters with different people happen all the time. And when they do, you always want to be prepared to take advantage of these meetings and the opportunities that could arise from them.

To me there is no such thing as luck.

Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.

In saying that make sure that you always have your business cards with you so when opportunity comes you are already prepared and you too may get “lucky” and find success. | 844-319-9600 |
advertising, banners, bounce marketing, branded materials, brochures, business cards, business cards deltona, business growth

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Why Print Marketing is Still Important in the Digital Age

Just like when you are developing any other marketing strategy, start by deciding what you want to do with your print campaign. Do you want to build awareness? Do you want to increase sales? What are your overall business objectives right now, and how can print be used to meet those goals? Go ahead and write everything down, from increasing social media engagement to gathering leads or building your list of email prospects. Yes, print can do that too.

Print you can hold in your hands. You see, touch and feel it, which studies have shown can make your brand more memorable. This is because customers are able to physically connect with your brand. To heighten this, think outside of the standard printer paper box!

Don’t be afraid to use your print materials to drive traffic to your other marketing channels. Are you looking to increase engagement to your social media? Put it on your print! When designing promotional materials like flyers that feature sales or deals go ahead and put a call to action to follow you on Facebook for similar offers. You could direct people to subscribe to your email blast for lead capture (if you don’t want to stick with print and send them direct mail instead). You could even just focus on driving people to your website to learn more about other offerings. Remember, marketing is about building a relationship with your customers, and print is just one way to communicate. | 386-734-9600
advertising, banners, brand recognition, branded materials, brochures, business cards, business cards deltona, business growth

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Get it all at Bounce Marketing

Get noticed with Bounce Marketing’s help!
Become a brand with unique and creative designs that will far surpass your greatest expectations, with any of our expert services including:
  -Custom Mobile Websites
  -Business Cards
  -Mass Emails
  -Direct Mail (EDDM)
  -Logos & Custom Graphic Designs
  -SEO Marketing / Blogging
We take pride in offering our customers a "One Stop" shopping solution for all their corporate needs. From business cards to brochures to screen printing and embroidery, we can design your logo and can make it look amazing on just about anything you can imagine right here! | 844-319-9600

Monday, August 28, 2017

Customize Your Very Own Banners At Bounce Marketing! | 844-319-9600

The Advantages of Using Banners
Printed advertising is a timeless method of advertising, and a great way to promote your business. Printed advertising in general is a straightforward, and inexpensive way of advertising your business, but banners are a particularly effective printed item. Banners can be transported to various locations easily.  You can easily have multiple banners made for a low cost, and they are good for multiple uses.

Engage with Your Audience
Banners advertise in a subtle way. When promoting yourself to your audience, it’s important that your potential clients don’t feel harassed, or pressured into buying anything. Banners can catch the attention of new customers, and make them aware of your company so they can make their own decisions about investing in them without feeling uncomfortable.  It can also provide an ice breaker into a conversation with someone showing interest in the business. Similarly, banners are perfect for targeting towards different audiences and customers. Some companies may have several consumer bases, and it is important that all types of audiences are provided for.

Easy to Make and Flexible to Take
Banners are extremely cost effective, and you’ll get many uses out of them. They can be packed away easily when not in use, and put up easily at almost any occasion where your need to advertise your business. Banners are very effective when used properly, so it is important that effort goes into creating the best brand and image, as these are what the customer is going to associate with the business for a long time.

Bounce Marketing is here to help you advertise your business. For a limited time only, our banners are buy one get one free! Banners are perfect for displaying your logo, slogan, and another message for your potential clients. Use your custom banners to advertise your business, and promote your brand!

We will make custom print advertising that is sure to leave a good impression with everyone that sees it. Promote your business with the experts at Bounce Marketing!

Call us at 844-319-9600 or visit our offices at 610 Deltona Blvd., Ste D., Deltona, Florida. | 844-319-9600

Friday, August 25, 2017

Market Your Business At Bounce Marketing Today!

Reputation and Reliability
Print is tangible and holds a power over people that digital can’t replicate. It’s been around since before digital was even conceptualized, and it has been delivering reliable information to audiences since it was created. Take Time magazine, for example — the average person would trust an article they published over one of the many less-credible digital sources. While online publications often produce content that gets debated or disproven, print remains a stable, trustworthy resource for people to get the information they want.

Stay Off This Bandwagon
Because of the fact that so many businesses have all but left the print game, a customer receiving an actual parcel in the mail is noteworthy due to the rarity of the occurrence. With everyone clamoring to announce the death of print, and multitudes of newspapers and magazines closing their doors, there exists now a power vacuum into which an authority like your company can step. The key is precision targeting by engaging a niche audience, and using what you know about your audience to your advantage.

The likely reason our society has not translated virtually all of our books and advertisements to the digital world is that, ultimately, print advertising effectiveness is still real and demonstrable. The intangibility of articles hovering in cyberspace leaves something to be desired in customers. Yes, internet marketing has its advantages, especially because of easy national and international distribution potential. However, consider print media the underdog in an exciting matchup. With everybody betting on digital because they “got a hot tip” that print is washed up, leveraging the medium and making revenue from your efforts is within reach of your brand.

Print Is Now a Missed Opportunity
As multitudes of advertisers maintain their focus on digital, you can stand apart from your competitors by utilizing the medium that is getting left behind. There’s a print publication for every type of audience, and yes, people are still reading them — especially loyal readers. You can tap into a market you’re missing out on, and make a lasting impression that differs from your digital messages. Print advertising effectiveness boils down to your ability to develop a strategy that appeals to the publication’s niche audience, no matter if we’re in a digital era or not. Market pessimism may be holding you back, but the truth is that print still leads to ROI that will add to your bottom line — and you don’t want to miss that opportunity. | 844-319-9600 |

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Using Brochures and Flyers

For any business to flourish, publicity and marketing are vital for success. One way of creating awareness for your business is to carry out a print marketing campaign.

If you do not know a lot about a print marketing campaign you will probably think you do not need it. Well, in fact, it is a very important part of any companies marketing plan.

And here is why:

A print marketing campaign can potentially increase the success of any company as it helps in globalizing the brand. It can help in creating awareness regarding your business and the more awareness you create, the better the chances of people opting for your products or services.

In a print marketing campaign, you should try and interact with your business clients and outline the benefits of your company’s services with a special advantage on the products or services your company offers.

The brochures/flyers should contain the right amount of information about your business and the best offers and products which the consumer is likely to be interested in. Also, highlighting special offers or discounts is a great way to catch your customers attention.

Using our services you can create a print marketing campaign or a campaign targeted to very specific areas. Local campaigns work well for smaller businesses that want to increase their popularity locally and really help to ensure that local people make your business their first choice to call. | 844-319-9600

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Using Brochures in Your Marketing Strategy

The Versatility of Marketing Brochures
Marketing brochures are among the most versatile tools you can use to inform customers of your products or services. Retail stores and offices that experience a lot of customer traffic often have brochures with product information at the front of the store or in the waiting room. Banks, for instance, create brochures on each category of financial product for customers to review as they wait in the lobby. Marketers also take brochures to trade shows and presentations to hand out to potential customers or business associates.

Marketing Kits
Brochures work well in combination with a media kit or promotional giveaway. Media kits are packets of company or product information sent to news media for use in developing reviews or feature stories on the business. The brochure gives a good overview of the company. You can also include brochures in giveaway packages, such as with a bag and T-shirt handed out at a trade show. Combining the brochure with tangible items of interest to the recipient may attract more attention to it.

Brochures offer much more room for company and product information than other print items, such as a newspaper or magazine ad or direct mail letter or postcard. Even a simple trifold design allows for a colorful front page and five separate sections for product and service information. You can tell a story in a brochure over the course of the layout and end it with a call to action. Coupons with special deals and discounts are also commonly included, which may prompt immediate business.

The relatively low cost of producing brochures compared with other marketing options adds to their value for small businesses. And the more brochures you order, the less expensive each one is.

Come in today to discuss how we can get your business marketed through print services. | 844-319-9600

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Marketing Is Not a Fly-By-Night, One-Time Event.

Small-business owners are experts in the businesses they own or partner in. Most times, they are not necessarily professional marketers. A professional marketer generally has 5 to 10 years experience in the industry and went to college for a degree in business marketing or some variation of it. Most professional marketers have a specialization like: art design, web design, branding, advertising, sales marketing, and so on.

New business owners wanting to build their brand overnight plus those veteran business people wanting a quick fix to a cash-flow issues, often believe that throwing money at marketing it the answer to all their fears and concerns. They generally come to me looking for two things: an increase sales and high paying work immediately. Neither of these happen quickly unfortunately due to website authority, web ranking, the age of the brand, lack of brand knowledge in the area, and other important factors. Business owners need to understand marketing is like fishing, just like making a cold sales call. Sometimes, you run into someone interested ‘now’ and other times it may not be the case. A successful marketing campaign takes planning, industry knowledge, knowledge of the area, of course following the pre-determined plan, plenty of time to grow the brand or product image in the community, and a little luck doesn’t hurt either.

No matter if you’re looking at SEM, social media marketing, direct mail, EDDM, promotional materials, or any of the many other types of marketing—none of them work overnight. And if someone promises you they will, run. Don’t waste money paying someone who tells you they’ll give you the world, when, in fact, they cannot.
1. Marketing is not a fly-by-night, one-time event. Your strategy should be ongoing and consistent, not launched in a panicked fury when things aren’t looking good. If you begin to panic or feel nervous – so marketing right away – don’t wait for when you are fully in crisis mode or looking for the quick fix for your cash flow shortfall.
2. It should be targeted. Who is your audience? When does your audience want or need your product or service? Where is your audience located? How much is your preferred target market household income or business gross income? If you don’t know, find out and gear your marketing toward them. Otherwise, you’re throwing good marketing money down the drain. Not everyone is your type of customer and not every targeted customer is the same, so having different pre-determined brand messages might work for your business.

Regardless of what marketing route you take, do your market research, review your business plan and update it regularly with the most up to date demographic information. Plus, find out who your audience is and make a plan, if you don’t have a written one. Once you have those things in order—along with the understanding that marketing is a slow build—you’ll be in good shape.

Call us at 844-319-9600 or visit our offices at 610 Deltona Blvd., Ste D., Deltona, Florida. | 844-319-9600

Monday, August 21, 2017

Branding Your Business With a Custom Logo

Logos Are a Critical Aspect of Business Marketing
As the company's major graphical representation, a logo anchors a company's brand and becomes the single most visible manifestation of the company within the target market. For this reason, a well-designed logo is an essential part of any company's overall marketing strategy.

Business logos are intended to be the "face" of a company: They are graphical displays of a company's unique identity, and through colors and fonts and images they provide essential information about a company that allows customers to identify with the company's core brand. Logos are also a shorthand way of referring to the company in advertising and marketing materials; they also provide an anchor point for the various fonts, colors and design choices in all other business marketing materials.

Brand Identity
Logos are the chief visual component of a company's overall brand identity. The logo appears on stationery, websites, business cards and advertising. For that reason, a well-designed logo can contribute to business success, while a substandard logo can imply amateurishness and turn off potential customers. However, a logo should cohere well with other aspects of a company's visual presentation: No logo, however well designed, can look good when surrounded by contradictory graphical elements or inconsistent fonts. This is why a logo is the basic unit of a larger brand identity that includes company fonts, colors and document-design guidelines. | 844-319-9600

Friday, August 18, 2017

Specials and Deals on Printed Advertising

Now's a great time to get some printed advertising for your business. Take advantage of our BOGO deals!

A logo -- a small symbol or design used in business marketing -- is usually one of the first visual symbols a company develops in the early stages of planning. It often follows the naming the business and coincides with the development of a company motto or slogan and other visual representations. Having an effective logo can benefit your company.

A logo gives your company an easily recognized visual symbol. By placing this image on all correspondence materials, marketing collateral, your website and emails, you give people consistent exposure to your brand. The more people are exposed to your logo, the more synonymous the logo becomes with your name and brand. This allows you to put your logo on promotional materials and even products as a stand-alone representation of your business when your name won't fit or doesn't look as good. | 844-319-9600

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Get Your Business in Print!

It’s no secret that in today’s world digital media is a major component of many small business’s marketing efforts, but don’t forget print advertising remains one of the best ways to increase customer awareness and build a positive, credible reputation.

1. Acess to a targeted audience.
2. Extended reach.
3. Improved audience engagement.
4. It’s easy!
5. It’s cost-effective.

Not sure if you are optimizing both print and digital? The experts at Bounce Marketing in Central Florida, can help make sure your marketing strategy is as diverse as your audience. Contact us now to see how Bounce Marketing can get your business in print! | 844-319-9600

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Develop Your Print Marketing Strategy

Just like when you are developing any other marketing strategy, start by deciding what you want to do with your print campaign. Do you want to build awareness? Do you want to increase sales? What are your overall business objectives right now, and how can print be used to meet those goals? Go ahead and write everything down, from increasing social media engagement to gathering leads or building your list of email prospects. Yes, print can do that too.

Print you can hold in your hands. You see, touch and feel it, which studies have shown can make your brand more memorable. This is because customers are able to physically connect with your brand. To heighten this, think outside of the standard printer paper box!

Print marketing should go hand-in-hand with a web presence as well! | 844-319-9600

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Why You Should Have a Business Card on You at All Times

Here are five reasons why the old school business card are still important -- and why you should have a pocket full of them at all times.

1. Networking is about making genuine connections. Sending contact information via text or email on the spot is convenient but it is also extremely impersonal. Engaging in eye contact and actual conversation is how real relationships begin.

Two individuals with their heads buried in their phones typing away won’t create any kind of significant memory of the encounter. You can easily transfer the information from a business card to your mobile device after the conversation.

2. Email marketing, search engine optimization and paid media all do a great job of attracting leads and prospects, but they still aren’t as effective as an in-person meeting sealed with a handshake along with a business card exchange.

You can encounter a potential lead or contact at any time -- tradeshows, industry conferences, happy hour, airport lounges -- and arming yourself with business cards at all times will ensure that you never miss an opportunity to make a valuable business connection. Keep some in your pockets, wallet, money clip or laptop bag so the next time you encounter a prospect you are prepared.

3. When you meet someone that could potentially be a great prospect or connection, don’t you want him or her to walk away with a great first impression? A memorable business card does a lot more than just pass on an email address or phone number. Your goal is to make a memorable first impression.

Yes fancy cards, they cost more -- but think of how many unnecessary expenses you can cut to allocate funds for great business cards. Hold off on the ping pong table and espresso machine for the office and get some business cards that will make a great first impression.

4. A business card is a physical object that a potential prospect leaves the encounter with. Your brand stays with them.

If you meet a prospect and exchange email addresses and phone numbers you each walk away with another contact on your mobile phone -- it ends there. If you hand over a creative business card that makes a great impression that person is likely to show it to other people -- putting you and your brand in front of additional prospects.

5. Have you ever had someone write his or her contact information on a cocktail napkin and hand it over to you? How about someone that had a mobile phone with a dead battery? It isn’t the most professional approach.

If you met two individuals and one was scrambling to find a pen and something to write on and the other person simply pulled out a business card, who would you want to do business with? Showing that you are prepared at all times is a great indicator that you are professional. | 844-319-9600

Monday, August 14, 2017

Reputation and Reliability

Print is tangible and holds a power over people that digital can’t replicate. It’s been around since before digital was even conceptualized, and it has been delivering reliable information to audiences since it was created. Take Time magazine, for example — the average person would trust an article they published over one of the many less-credible digital sources. While online publications often produce content that gets debated or disproved, print remains a stable, trustworthy resource for people to get the information they want.

Stay Off This Bandwagon
Because of the fact that so many businesses have all but left the print game, a customer receiving an actual parcel in the mail is noteworthy due to the rarity of the occurrence. With everyone clamoring to announce the death of print, and multitudes of newspapers and magazines closing their doors, there exists now a power vacuum into which an authority like your company can step. The key is precision targeting by engaging a niche audience, and using what you know about your audience to your advantage.

The likely reason our society has not translated virtually all of our books and advertisements to the digital world is that, ultimately, print advertising effectiveness is still real and demonstrable. The intangibility of articles hovering in cyberspace leaves something to be desired in customers. Yes, internet marketing has its advantages, especially because of easy national and international distribution potential. However, consider print media the underdog in an exciting match up. With everybody betting on digital because they “got a hot tip” that print is washed up, leveraging the medium and making revenue from your efforts is within reach of your brand.

Print Is Now a Missed Opportunity
As multitudes of advertisers maintain their focus on digital, you can stand apart from your competitors by utilizing the medium that is getting left behind. There’s a print publication for every type of audience, and yes, people are still reading them — especially loyal readers. You can tap into a market you’re missing out on, and make a lasting impression that differs from your digital messages. Print advertising effectiveness boils down to your ability to develop a strategy that appeals to the publication’s niche audience, no matter if we’re in a digital era or not. Market pessimism may be holding you back, but the truth is that print still leads to ROI that will add to your bottom line — and you don’t want to miss that opportunity. | 844-319-9600 |

Friday, August 11, 2017

Using Print in Your Marketing Strategy

Print is Tangible. Publications, brochures, posters and other types of printed materials are physical items. These items can stay in offices or homes for months or even years after they are received.

Print is Credible. Like the feeling you get when you see The New York Times or your favorite magazine on the rack, there is something to be said about the feeling of legitimacy that comes from print. You are able to put the printed piece down and comeback at any time to resume your reading. And print requires “real estate”. As marketers, we like this! A  printed piece placed on the corner of a desk will be there day after day until it is picked back up to be viewed.

Print Establishes Your Brand. Printed publications and other branded materials is an excellent way to establish your brand. It allows you to bring the aesthetic qualities of font, colors, images and texture that helps to establish brand recognition.

Print Helps You Reach Your Target Market.  The design and placement of your company ads in publications, newspapers and magazines can help you reach your target audience, whether it be a niche market or the general public. By leveraging the data of demographics, you are able to strategically place your brand in the right place at the right time, in front of the right audience.

Print Can Be More Engaging. When a customer or prospect reads a printed material, they are more engaged for a longer period of time. On average, a consumer spend 43 minutes reading a magazine.

Less Print, Is More For You. With more companies taking their marketing efforts online, the old has become new again as print becomes the new trend. But this isn’t your parents’ world of print communications! Marketers have more information and data to make calculated decisions about content, consumption, consumers, and collateral types. Customers’ and prospects’ email inboxes are overflowing with unsolicited ads and non-worthy news, most of which is largely ignored. With this in mind, designing and sharing a great printed marketing piece should be high on your list of strategic marketing initiatives.

Print and a website presence should go hand and hand. Let Bounce help you today! | 844-319-9600

Thursday, August 10, 2017

What Makes a Great Business Card?

A good business card is one of the most powerful parts of a good marketing strategy. Your business card is like a face to your potential clients, and can make or break a client’s first impression of your company. Choosing a card that is modern, professional, and appropriate for your business is key when designing your business card. But, how do you go about choosing the best design to support your business? To help you get started, here are some designs to consider:

Basic Cards
A basic business card is typically black ink printed on white, or cream cardstock. Minimalist cards like these are clean and straightforward. Bearing only the facts, this no-nonsense approach can appeal to clients who like utility over flashy styling. The design is simple and perfect for displaying clear and concise information.

Pictures and Color
Sometimes all you need is a splash of color to grab the attention of a potential client. Having a pallet that matches the feel of your company can make your brand more memorable, and add a hint of fun to an otherwise plain card. Images representing yourself, a product, or a service can communicate what your business is about in a visually impacting way. Also, having your face on the card can help a contact remember what you look like the next time they see you.

Tactile Cards
For something more outside of the box, you can shift the distinguishing factor to the feel of the card, rather than the look. Nonstandard materials, such as metal or wood, can give a business card an interesting feel that is sure to impress. You could also give your card a different shape, or use embossing to be a bit more subtle. Business cards like these will be more expensive, but for some having this kind of card may be worth it.

Business cards are key for any company. They provide more than just information. They build connection and give a customer a memorable experience. These cards can also provide multipurpose information such as a map, or an appointment reminder. Some opt to have the card serve as a coupon, or you can write more information on the card if needed. There’s no end to the function of a business card, so it’s important to create one that’s just right for your company.

Call us at 844-319-9600 or visit our offices at 610 Deltona Blvd., Ste D., Deltona, Florida. | 844-319-9600 |

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Business Card Exchange

1.  Business cards give people the ability to follow up

When you meet someone and develop that instant rapport you want to give them a chance to follow up with you instantly without having to reach for a pen or their phone.

If left with no other choice do not hesitate to hand over your phone to the other person and have him type in his contact details and vice versa.

Another option is to use phone apps that allow the gadgets to exchange contact information.

Although these options are available to many there will always be instances where you meet someone who may not have all of these technological things on them or isn’t comfortable using them.

This is why nothing can still replace the business card in encouraging people to follow up with you.

2.  Business cards show that you are a professional

The littlest things we do send out the biggest messages.

Something as simple as a business card is indicative that you took the time to actually put your information in a card. This immediately separates you from 99% of the other men out there who may be students like you or are out there seeking a job like yourself.

3.  Having a business card keeps one focused on the goal

In situations where one is trying to look for work it is not unusual to participate in a few networking events.

If you decide to go to events like these with a certain number of business cards on your person then you can immediately create a goal for yourself.

An example of a goal would be to make to distribute the 50 business cards that you brought along to the event. You can also create secondary goals such as collect at least 20 of others’ business cards or have at least 15 to 20 people express interest in following up with you.

If you decide to approach networking events in this manner then your business cards can serve as a reminder and keep you focused on the goal -which is to follow up with people regarding possible opportunities.

4.  Business cards can help make you referable

A good business card will not only contain one’s name and contact details. It should also mention what that person’s skills are.

Having this extra detail can make all the difference because although the person that you initially give your business card may not know what to do with you and your skills, he may know someone in his network that has in need of someone like you.

It is good to remember that random encounters with different people happen all the time. And when they do, you always want to be prepared to take advantage of these meetings and the opportunities that could arise from them.

To me there is no such thing as luck.

Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.

In saying that make sure that you always have your business cards with you so when opportunity comes you are already prepared and you too may get “lucky” and find success. | 844-319-9600 |

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Why Print Marketing is Still Important in the Digital Age

Just like when you are developing any other marketing strategy, start by deciding what you want to do with your print campaign. Do you want to build awareness? Do you want to increase sales? What are your overall business objectives right now, and how can print be used to meet those goals? Go ahead and write everything down, from increasing social media engagement to gathering leads or building your list of email prospects. Yes, print can do that too.

Print you can hold in your hands. You see, touch and feel it, which studies have shown can make your brand more memorable. This is because customers are able to physically connect with your brand. To heighten this, think outside of the standard printer paper box!

Don’t be afraid to use your print materials to drive traffic to your other marketing channels. Are you looking to increase engagement to your social media? Put it on your print! When designing promotional materials like flyers that feature sales or deals go ahead and put a call to action to follow you on Facebook for similar offers. You could direct people to subscribe to your email blast for lead capture (if you don’t want to stick with print and send them direct mail instead). You could even just focus on driving people to your website to learn more about other offerings. Remember, marketing is about building a relationship with your customers, and print is just one way to communicate. | 386-734-9600

Monday, August 7, 2017

Get It All at Bounce Marketing

Get noticed with Bounce Marketing’s help!
Become a brand with unique and creative designs that will far surpass your greatest expectations, with any of our expert services including:
  -Custom Mobile Websites
  -Business Cards
  -Mass Emails
  -Direct Mail (EDDM)
  -Logos & Custom Graphic Designs
  -SEO Marketing / Blogging
We take pride in offering our customers a "One Stop" shopping solution for all their corporate needs. From business cards to brochures to screen printing and embroidery, we can design your logo and can make it look amazing on just about anything you can imagine right here! | 844-319-9600

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Advantages of Using Banners

Printed advertising is a timeless method of advertising, and a great way to promote your business. Printed advertising in general is a straightforward, and inexpensive way of advertising your business, but banners are a particularly effective printed item. Banners can be transported to various locations easily.  You can easily have multiple banners made for a low cost, and they are good for multiple uses.

Engage with Your Audience
Banners advertise in a subtle way. When promoting yourself to your audience, it’s important that your potential clients don’t feel harassed, or pressured into buying anything. Banners can catch the attention of new customers, and make them aware of your company so they can make their own decisions about investing in them without feeling uncomfortable.  It can also provide an ice breaker into a conversation with someone showing interest in the business. Similarly, banners are perfect for targeting towards different audiences and customers. Some companies may have several consumer bases, and it is important that all types of audiences are provided for.

Easy to Make and Flexible to Take
Banners are extremely cost effective, and you’ll get many uses out of them. They can be packed away easily when not in use, and put up easily at almost any occasion where your need to advertise your business. Banners are very effective when used properly, so it is important that effort goes into creating the best brand and image, as these are what the customer is going to associate with the business for a long time.

Bounce Marketing is here to help you advertise your business. For a limited time only, our banners are buy one get one free! Banners are perfect for displaying your logo, slogan, and another message for your potential clients. Use your custom banners to advertise your business, and promote your brand!

We will make custom print advertising that is sure to leave a good impression with everyone that sees it. Promote your business with the experts at Bounce Marketing!

Call us at 844-319-9600 or visit our offices at 610 Deltona Blvd., Ste D., Deltona, Florida. | 844-319-9600

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Importance of Brochures and Flyers

For any business to flourish, publicity and marketing are vital for success. One way of creating awareness for your business is to carry out a print marketing campaign.

If you do not know a lot about a print marketing campaign you will probably think you do not need it. Well, in fact, it is a very important part of any companies marketing plan.

And here is why:

A print marketing campaign can potentially increase the success of any company as it helps in globalizing the brand. It can help in creating awareness regarding your business and the more awareness you create, the better the chances of people opting for your products or services.

In a print marketing campaign, you should try and interact with your business clients and outline the benefits of your company’s services with a special advantage on the products or services your company offers.

The brochures/flyers should contain the right amount of information about your business and the best offers and products which the consumer is likely to be interested in. Also, highlighting special offers or discounts is a great way to catch your customers attention.

Using our services you can create a print marketing campaign or a campaign targeted to very specific areas. Local campaigns work well for smaller businesses that want to increase their popularity locally and really help to ensure that local people make your business their first choice to call. | 844-319-9600

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Versatility of Brochures

Marketing brochures are among the most versatile tools you can use to inform customers of your products or services. Retail stores and offices that experience a lot of customer traffic often have brochures with product information at the front of the store or in the waiting room. Banks, for instance, create brochures on each category of financial product for customers to review as they wait in the lobby. Marketers also take brochures to trade shows and presentations to hand out to potential customers or business associates.

Marketing Kits
Brochures work well in combination with a media kit or promotional giveaway. Media kits are packets of company or product information sent to news media for use in developing reviews or feature stories on the business. The brochure gives a good overview of the company. You can also include brochures in giveaway packages, such as with a bag and T-shirt handed out at a trade show. Combining the brochure with tangible items of interest to the recipient may attract more attention to it.

Brochures offer much more room for company and product information than other print items, such as a newspaper or magazine ad or direct mail letter or postcard. Even a simple trifold design allows for a colorful front page and five separate sections for product and service information. You can tell a story in a brochure over the course of the layout and end it with a call to action. Coupons with special deals and discounts are also commonly included, which may prompt immediate business.

The relatively low cost of producing brochures compared with other marketing options adds to their value for small businesses. And the more brochures you order, the less expensive each one is.

Come in today to discuss how we can get your business marketed through print services. | 844-319-9600

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Marketing Is Not a One-Time Event

Small-business owners are experts in the businesses they own or partner in. Most times, they are not necessarily professional marketers. A professional marketer generally has 5 to 10 years experience in the industry and went to college for a degree in business marketing or some variation of it. Most professional marketers have a specialization like: art design, web design, branding, advertising, sales marketing, and so on.

New business owners wanting to build their brand overnight plus those veteran business people wanting a quick fix to a cash-flow issues, often believe that throwing money at marketing it the answer to all their fears and concerns. They generally come to me looking for two things: an increase sales and high paying work immediately. Neither of these happen quickly unfortunately due to website authority, web ranking, the age of the brand, lack of brand knowledge in the area, and other important factors. Business owners need to understand marketing is like fishing, just like making a cold sales call. Sometimes, you run into someone interested ‘now’ and other times it may not be the case. A successful marketing campaign takes planning, industry knowledge, knowledge of the area, of course following the pre-determined plan, plenty of time to grow the brand or product image in the community, and a little luck doesn’t hurt either.

No matter if you’re looking at SEM, social media marketing, direct mail, EDDM, promotional materials, or any of the many other types of marketing—none of them work overnight. And if someone promises you they will, run. Don’t waste money paying someone who tells you they’ll give you the world, when, in fact, they cannot.
1. Marketing is not a fly-by-night, one-time event. Your strategy should be ongoing and consistent, not launched in a panicked fury when things aren’t looking good. If you begin to panic or feel nervous – so marketing right away – don’t wait for when you are fully in crisis mode or looking for the quick fix for your cash flow shortfall.
2. It should be targeted. Who is your audience? When does your audience want or need your product or service? Where is your audience located? How much is your preferred target market household income or business gross income? If you don’t know, find out and gear your marketing toward them. Otherwise, you’re throwing good marketing money down the drain. Not everyone is your type of customer and not every targeted customer is the same, so having different pre-determined brand messages might work for your business.

Regardless of what marketing route you take, do your market research, review your business plan and update it regularly with the most up to date demographic information. Plus, find out who your audience is and make a plan, if you don’t have a written one. Once you have those things in order—along with the understanding that marketing is a slow build—you’ll be in good shape.

Call us at 844-319-9600 or visit our offices at 610 Deltona Blvd., Ste D., Deltona, Florida. | 844-319-9600